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The performance

Monday the 14th arrived, and that was the day of the great performance.

The setting, the scenery of Gustav Mahler Hotel, in Jihlava.

The audience, open to everyone. But, above all, relatives and friends of our hosting families.

The programme, very complete. It was included regional dances, guitar pieces, clarinet, piano, piano with violin, piano with trombone, baroque dances and choir.

Nerves on edge.

Willingly attitude.

The final result, a pleasant performance and very attractive for the attendants, who enjoyed with music and dances from our region and country.

Presenters, in Spanish and Czech.

And one surprise, a drawing of Antonio de Cabezón at the same time as a piano piece was being played.

Such a high effort and overcoming so many unfavourable conditions, at the end, it was worth it. Great artists.


Written and translated by David Alonso

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