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Jihlava Townhall and Gustav Mahler Hotel

On Tuesday 8th, we visited the city Townhall, where we could visit its meeting rooms and we were told about the history of the city. In the main room, where there is a big piano, some of our schoolmates played some musical pieces of our repertoire.

After that, we led to Gustav Mahler Hotel. It is the place where we will have the main performance, to show our musical skills. We made the most of it, and we had lunch in the hotel restaurant before visiting the scenery and the facilities. The scenery might be a bit small for our regional dances, but the day of the great rehearsal we will adapt our dances to it. It is a beautiful scenery and a cozy hall.

Next, we went back to Gymnázium and we continued with the musical and plastic arts workshop which we started the previous day. We exchanged workshops. So, we all completed both. In the plastic arts workshop, as it took two days with two different groups, we had two different screens as a final result. One of them will stay at Gymnázium Jihlava, and the other will be taken to IES Valle del Arlanza and will be shown as a symbol of brotherhood between both schools.


Written and translated by Ariadna García

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